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How To Find Your Feet When You Start Your Own Company 101

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Our Top Tips

Bearing full responsibility for a company’s success or failure is in all honestly completely terrifying. I remember waking up nervous to make any wrong decisions when we first started – there is so much to do and never enough time. We had to be the Jack of all trades and in reality we were the master of none.

This was one of the things that inspired us most to start this journey with Share with Oscar. In hope that, even something as small as having your parking sorted before you start your work week, could calm a little less anxiety and take one thing off your plate.

Our top tips for finding your feet when you first begin:

1. Don’t go it alone. Join hands with someone you trust and who holds the same values as you – two hands is better than one!

2. Make sure you work out the technical details. Or know who to ask! Google and Youtube are your best friends but they can only take you so far… We remember one painfully long night spending 6+ hours following a youtube video on how to create a WordPress site. The video was only 1 hr long.

3. Have a great idea and believe in it fully. This one we are proud to say we have stay true to since day one.

4. Begin with a detailed plan. This one isn’t optional.: Develop an in-depth plan that fully details how you’ll attack the challenge ahead.

And lastly…

5. Be yourself. In times when there is much of the same, it is important to be able to make a difference. As I heard from a friend some time ago “it is better to be oneself than a ‘clone’ of people we do not know. It is preferable that with all our virtues and defects we decide for ourselves.” Stay true to your values and it is easier to please yourself and please your customer.

How did you find your feet when you began on your journey?

Lisa and Louise

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